ThreeWeeks 5/5

Added on by Stuart.

Monday August 15th, 2011 00:02

ED2011 Theatre Review: The World Belongs To Everyone Apart From Us (Underbelly Productions / Stuart Bowden)

Stuart Bowden presents his show, depicting his troubles with – and exploration of – “the cruelty of the celestial”. He travels the universe in his spaceship made of haphazardly arranged crates, drinking vodka and swearing – approaching dark times in his life in a childish way is very much his style – and generally looking for love or, failing that, to “save the world from loneliness”. I know this sounds twee, but I assure this is one of the most heart-wrenching things I’ve seen in years. The songs are so beautiful and euphorically ethereal, they had me welling up. It’s similar to ‘The Little Prince’ in its evocation of philosophical themes in a simple, disarming fashion. I just wish it was as popular.
Underbelly, 4 – 28 Aug (not 16), 2.55pm (3.55pm), £8.00 – £10.00, fpp312.
tw rating 5/5